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daniel chapter 8

We will take a look at Daniel chapter 8 and see how man's empire characterised with injustice and oppression contrasts to God's kingdom of love and peace.

a MESSAGE of encouragement

This week we will take a look at the story of David as narrated in 1 Samuel 25. See how God encouraged David when he felt loneliness during a very crucial part of his life.

The concept of church

In the book of Daniel chapter 7 we saw the idea of the church empire, a religious political power. We will explore in this presentation, the concept of church and what it is as described in the Bible.

Lies about God’s Character

As we read through the book of Daniel, some questions arise about God's character. This presentation will try to clarify some of these more frequently asked questions.

Do we truly know god?

Can we get to know a person with details, data and facts? Find out the key to know God.

The Law

The Law in Scripture, tends to have negative connotations. As with any other truth in the Bible, the Law ultimately focuses on the love of God for us.

It happens to someone else, until it happens to you

Reflect on the words "Teach us to number our days", found in the book of Psalms chapter 90.

“The Truth will set you free”

See how Jesus' words in the book of John chapter 8 verse 32, can become a reality in your life.

What is truth?

We all find ourselves in the middle of a cosmic controversy that makes us ask "Who is God, and what is He like?". In this universal war, truth and lies are the weapons used to win the battle. Today we will take a look at the question "What is truth?"

who can i serve?

Last time together, we spoke about the importance of baptism and that it is only the beginning of our walk with Jesus Christ. This week we will see how Acts chapter 3 can help us change from asking "What can I get from going to church?" to asking instead "Who can I serve?".


What is the meaning of baptism? How is baptism relevant today? See how Colossians chapter 2 verses 11 and 12 can give us an insight into these two important questions.

God and Nebuchadnezzar’s Heart

In the previous chapters in the book of Daniel, we have seen how Nebuchadnezzar was convinced that the God of the Hebrews is the real God. However, his heart is not yet converted, changed or transformed. See how God, in Daniel chapter 4, continues to reach out for Nebuchadnezzar's heart, one more time.

the law of god

The book of Daniel, as the other books of the Bible, presents an overall theme to the reader, a war between two kingdoms. See how Daniel Ch. 3 presents the Law of God and compares it against the law of human empire.


Explore the Book of Daniel chapter 2, as it shares the part of Daniel's story as a captive in a foreign country. See how this story speaks about hope for all humanity through a very interesting dream.


We will look closer at the narrative as found in scripture on the great conflict seen in Revelation chapter 12. See how God’s heart is described through this passage.


“While they were eating...” See why these four simple words are so important when describing the amazing God of scripture.


Have you ever asked yourself, “How do I overcome the destructive sins in my life?” Does the Heart of God, through the story of the gospel, offer any hope to overcome our sins? Find out the certainty that God never abandons us no matter which type of sin, we keep failing into time and time again.

Heart Search 6

Early on, God formulated a covenant, a plan of salvation for humanity, before the human race was created. Part of the plan was for the Son of God to leave heaven, be born as a human, overcome as a human and give His life for the human race. All of this became Jesus Christ’s mission, to restore back to the original state, the relationship of all human kind with the Father. This is Calvary, this is the Cross.

Heart Search 5

Discover with us how the story of Jacob found in Genesis chapter 27, communicates the beautiful character of God. The good news of salvation is not only showed in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the four gospel books, but also in the old and new testaments of the Bible.

Heart Search 4

Have you ever asked yourself, why does the Bible matter? We tend to read the Bible by seeing humanity in the centre and God in the periphery. However, through the story found in Genesis chapter 3, we can see that actually, God is at the centre of every story, He wants to communicate with us.


This presentation introduces a woman who had a medical condition for 12 years, that made her ceremonially unclean, a nobody in the eyes of society, who had spent all of her life savings and had resulted in absolutely no change. See how God saw her and how He helped her rise up because of her faith in Jesus Christ.


Explore how the true God gives and does not take as seen in the story of Abraham, a very prominent Bible character. Abraham is known through out the Bible as 'a friend of God'. He was asked by God to leave his home land and follow God's voice, to the land where his descendants would be as many as the stars in the sky.


This is the first presentation from the series "Heart Search" by Pastor Marcos Torres. Explore and discover the heart of God revealed through Bible stories.

The first presentation shares the personal experiences of two men that reach rock bottom in their spiritual lives. Let's discover God's heart together.